Fruits and vegetables are put to the test. Researchers at William Paterson University in New Jersey, in the United States, studied 41 foods. The study considered, among other things, nutrient density, mineral density and fibre. Surprisingly, only green vegetables—not any fruits—appear in the top 10. Beginning at position 28, the fruit begins to appear in the rankings. In total, only seven types of fruit appear. Which ones are?
The top 10 healthiest foods at a glance
Rank 1: Watercress
Watercress also contains antioxidants and various vitamins, including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Due to the essential oils it contains, it also has a cough-relieving effect and alleviates respiratory diseases.
2nd place: Chinese cabbage
One hundred grams of Chinese cabbage covers a quarter of the daily vitamin C requirement. The vegetable also contains plenty of vegetable protein and high-quality amino acids.
3rd place: Swiss chard
Along with vitamins C and B, Swiss chard also contains significant amounts of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. In addition, chard also provides minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium.
Rank 4: Red beet leaves
Red beet leaves are full of beta-carotene and calcium. In addition, there are other minerals and vitamins.
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